Expert: Understanding of AdBlue is the key to cleaner farming

Jānis Melgailis, CrossChem Project Manager


AdBlue is an essential element in the operation of modern agricultural machinery, which helps to reduce the impact of harmful emissions on the environment. By raising awareness, introducing a bonus system and ensuring stricter controls, we can achieve a wider use of AdBlue and thus contribute to more sustainable agriculture. By collectively promoting responsible practices, farmers can ensure both an increase in yields and profits as well as a reduce the environmental impact of farming.

Why is AdBlue important?
Modern agricultural machinery is powered by diesel engines, which are known for their efficiency and low fuel consumption. However, they also produce a significant amount of harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, which are dangerous for the environment and human health. NOx contributes to smog, acid rain and respiratory problems. AdBlue is an integral part of the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system used to reduce NOx emissions in diesel engines. Thanks to SCR technology and AdBlue, modern agricultural machinery can meet the strict Euro 5 and Euro 6 emission standards.

Myths about AdBlue
It’s no secret that there are various myths and stereotypes about AdBlue, such as that it is difficult and expensive to refuel and use. But in reality, filling AdBlue is relatively simple. Most modern agricultural machinery has a built-in AdBlue tank with a level indicator that warns when it needs to be topped up. AdBlue is available at petrol stations and auto parts stores for relatively low prices. It is also often said that AdBlue supposedly damages the engine, which is completely incorrect as AdBlue is only injected into the exhaust system downstream of the manifold. In fact, AdBlue allows the engine to “breathe” more easily and thus reduces fuel consumption. If handled correctly, the SCR system is reliable and requires minimal service.

Untapped potential
Admittedly, there are several factors affecting the use of AdBlue in agriculture, one of which is the lack of information and awareness, since many farmers are unaware of the benefits of AdBlue and its positive impact on the environment and operational economy. The financial aspect is also one of the factors, as farmers want to save money and do not think about the long-term benefits of AdBlue. Weak control mechanisms are also an important factor – unfortunately, even here in Latvia there are no strict control mechanisms to ensure the mandatory use of AdBlue, which allows farmers to avoid it and thus save money at the price of the environment.

The way forward for sustainable agriculture
Implementing innovative solutions is essential to reduce agriculture’s impact on the environment and move towards a more sustainable future. It is important that the responsible institutions tackle these obstacles which delay the wider use of AdBlue in agriculture. Farmers need more information on the benefits of AdBlue, including its impact on the environment, fuel economy and compliance with emission standards. Workshops and informative materials are an excellent way to educate the target audience so that farmers can make informed decisions. CrossChem, the Latvian chemical manufacturer, does this with its own resources and to the best of its ability by participating in various industry events and organising customer days. However, this is a direction that everyone involved in environmental issues should take. Responsible institutions including agricultural organisations and representatives of the interests of diesel producers and suppliers should work to dispel negative stereotypes and misinformation about AdBlue. For example, by promoting evidence-based information and fostering farmers’ trust and interest in the correct use of AdBlue.

Introduction of stricter control mechanisms
The European Union aims to achieve zero emissions in relation to new cars and trucks by 2035. This means that all new cars registered in the EU must be zero CO2 vehicles by 2035. To achieve that, responsible institutions must also ensure effective inspections to detect and penalise the deactivation of AdBlue systems. This will create a fair competitive environment and motivate farmers to comply with the environmental norms currently defined in the European Union.

Cooperation with agricultural machinery manufacturers
Agricultural machinery manufacturers should continue investing in research and development to improve the efficiency and ease of use of AdBlue systems. As an example, CrossChem has received accreditation for its laboratory which meets the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 and is competent to analyse the AdBlue emission reduction solution. Therefore, the accreditation enables CrossChem to offer a unique service in the Baltics, providing independent research and reliable results. Also, it is crucial to provide farmers with easy access to spare parts and a qualified technical support service to improve the farmer’s experience, ensuring satisfaction with AdBlue technology and promoting trust in suppliers.

Quality preparations for future chemists
The successful implementation and sustainable use of AdBlue technology also depends on the availability of qualified professionals who can ensure the correct maintenance, repair and inspection of AdBlue systems. In this context, the training of new chemists is crucial. Educational programmes and close cooperation with industry are essential to achieve this goal. Cooperation between the education institutions and the AdBlue industry would facilitate practical training opportunities, participation in programme development and job or internship offers for young professionals. Successful AdBlue uptake, awareness and achievement of the EU objectives requires a comprehensive approach including education, awareness, monitoring, support and training of qualified professionals. To strengthen the widespread use of AdBlue in agriculture, targeted and careful work is needed in several directions. This needs to be done by business owners and educational institutions as well as other organisations involved in the environmental and agricultural sectors. An industry that proactively reduces its environmental footprint is much better prepared for the challenges ahead and continues to grow, boosting its key performance
indicators of yield and revenue.

More information:
CrossChem marketing manager
Egija Burnevica
Phone number: +371 29 294 259

News from CrossChem!
Filling up at CrossChem AdBlue stations is more convenient than ever with the new App!